Dispill & Med Sync.

Dispill® and Medication Synchronization Services

Click Below or call 610-494-1445 ext.112 to learn more!

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 Dispill® Services

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How dispill® works?

Dispill® offers two packing options for patients.

The first packing option Dispill® offers is a Single Color Dispill®. These dispills consist of one single sheet containing a 30 day supply. Which are as follows: Yellow for the morning - White for Noon - Orange for Dinner - Blue for bedtime. With this packing option you would receive multiple dispill packs depending on how many medications you take and at what times you need to take them. For example you may not need all four dosing times and only need a yellow morning pack and a blue bedtime pack.

The second, and most popular packing option is called a Rainbow Dispill®. This packing option has all the colors listed above, (yellow, white, orange, blue.) to be on one dispill pack with a weeks worth of medication per dispill pack. You are given 4 rainbow packs for a 30 day supply of medication. This option is for patients looking for more convivence in their medication routine.

Dispill® Instructions:

1. The Dispill blister pack contains all your medication for 7 days.

2. Your medication is organized by days (rows) and dosage times (columns).

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How do I sign up for Dispill®?


To sign up for our Dispill® Service just give us a call at 610-494-1445 ext. 112 or email us at [email protected] and Diane, our Pharmacy Manager will handle the rest!

Existing patients - You only need to notify us that you would like to enroll into Dispill® as we will already have your information on file.

New Patients! Please follow the instructions below.

What you will need before you call or email us:

As easy as 1..2..3..!

1. Your currant demographic (name, address..etc.) and currant insurance information.

2. The name and location of your currant primary care physician.

3. Finally, a currant list of all medications and the last pharmacy or location they were filled at.

Anyone can be enrolled in our Dispill® services. Even a patient caregiver may enroll a patient as long as they have the patient's permission.

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What is Dispill®?

Dispill® is a multi-dose packaging solution that helps improve patients adherence to their medication regimen. This solution allows Aston pharmacy to provide medication to patients in an all-inclusive blister pack. The cards come in both 28 and 32 cells and are a great solution for any patient taking multiple scripts at one time. The Dispill® card eliminates the need for pillboxes and unit dose vials so the patient is at less risk of mixing up their medication.

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Medication Synchronization Services

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How Does Med. Sync. Work?

Med. Sync. is the process of synchronizing all of your monthly medications to be due for pick up on the same day of each month.

The process starts with a phone call or email to 610-494-1445 ext.112 or [email protected] to inform our Pharmacy Manager (Diane) that you would like to enroll in the Med. Sync. service. From there Diane will work with you to make sure that your medication list is correct and up to date.

The Med. Sync. service is a process that at first, can take two to three fills to get all of your medications synchronized.

1st step - Is to make sure all medications are correct and up to date and to pick a day of the month that you would like to pick up your medications.

2nd step - The pharmacy will then start to synchronize your medications by short filling your medicine as needed. Short filling means that the pharmacy will only fill a specific amount of a medication in order to get you on track to your sync. date rather than giving you a 30 day supply.

Step two may need to be repeated a few times to get all of your medications synced to one date. Once you're medications are all synced we will continue to monitor your profile to make sure they remain synced.

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How to sign up for Med. Sync. Services

To sign up for our Med. Sync. services just give us a call at 610-494-1445 ext. 112 or email us at [email protected] and Diane, our Pharmacy Manager will handle the rest! Existing patients only need to notify us that they would like to start the Med. Sync. process as we will already have your information on file.

Existing patients - You only need to notify us that you would like to start the Med. Sync. process as we will already have your information on file.

New Patients! Please follow the instructions below.

What you will need before you call or email us:

As easy as 1..2..3..!

1. Your current demographic (name, address, etc.) and current insurance information.

2. The name and location of your current primary care physician.

3. Finally, a current list of all medications and the last pharmacy or location they were filled.
